^ "Jews in America: Jewish Gangsters".
^ "The Silver Shirts: Their History, Founder, and Activities".
"Silver Shirts in the Northwest: Politics, Prophecies, and Personalities in the 1930s". The Fear of Conspiracy: Images of Un-American Subversion from the Revolution to the present (1971) pp. "Fascist apocalypse: William Pelley and millennial extremism" (PDF). "The Ideology of the 'Dixiecrat' Movement".
^ Lemmon, Sarah McCulloh (December 1951). "6 Things You May Not Have Known About Nazis in America". Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement. ^ "The Silver Shirts: Their History, Founder, and Axtivities". William Dudley Pelley: A Life in Right-Wing Extremism and the Occult. The grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV depicts the Silver Legion as their fascist archetype of the United States, as the Free American Empire. Sinclair Lewis's novel It Can't Happen Here depicts a fascist takeover of the United States by an anti-Roosevelt demagogue who claims inspiration from the Silver Legion. The same sentence had been suspended pending good behavior, but the court found that during that period Pelley had published false and libelous statements, published inaccurate reports and advertising, and supported a secret military organization. Don Phillips, in Asheville, North Carolina, for violating terms of probation of a 1935 conviction for violating North Carolina security laws. On January 20, 1942, Pelley was sentenced to serve two to three years in prison by Superior Court Judge F. By around 1938, the Silver Legion's membership was down to about 5,000. Roosevelt handily won the reelection, and Pelley failed to figure among the top four. However, the Democratic President Franklin D. He would be called "the Chief" just like other fascist world leaders who had similar titles such "Der Führer" for Adolf Hitler and "II Duce" for Benito Mussolini. Pelley hoped to seize power in a "silver revolution" and set himself as dictator of the United States. He claimed he would save America from Jewish communists just as "Mussolini and his Black Shirts saved Italy and as Hitler and his Brown Shirts saved Germany." Pelley ran for president of the United States in the 1936 election on a third-party ticket under the Christian Party banner. Legion leader Pelley called for a "Christian Commonwealth" in America that would combine the principles of racism, nationalism, and theocracy, while excluding Jews and non-whites.
The organizational flag was a plain silver field with such a red L in the canton at the upper left.īy 1934, the Legion claimed to have about 15,000 members. The blocky slab serif L-emblem was in a typeface similar to the present-day Rockwell Extra Bold. The uniform shirts bore a scarlet letter L over the heart: an emblem meant to symbolize Loyalty to the United States, Liberation from materialism, and the Silver Legion itself. nationalist, fascist group modeled after Benito Mussolini's blackshirts, the paramilitary Silver Legion wore a silver shirt with a blue tie, along with a campaign hat and blue corduroy trousers with leggings. Hearts of Iron IV (get it here: ) is developed by Paradox Development Studios and published by Paradox Interactive AB. Want to stay in touch? Follow me on Twitter:ĭISCLAIMER: This is a press copy provided free of charge by the publisher. If you enjoyed the video please leave a like and if you want to see more in the future please consider subscribing to my channel.
Hearts of iron 4 free american empire series#
This series is best watched from its own dedicated playlist: Will we be able to avoid the mistakes that led to the defeat of Nazi Germany? Or can we do the impossible and bring London, Paris, Moscow and Washington under the iron heel of fascism? Join me and find out! Armed with precious hindsight and a strong focus on panzers (tanks), blitzkrieg tactics and submarine warfare we will try to win World War II in this latest version of Paradox Interactive’s Grand Strategy Wargame, Hearts of Iron IV. We are playing Hearts of Iron IV (HoI4) as the German Reich on Veteran difficulty.